Thursday, August 14, 2008

Food Budget, Day 12

Lamar was home again today. I ended up working overnight at the birth center last night. I got a nap in and we did some more work around the house. We each had plans this evening. Lamar had his golf league and I was planning on attending a birth, but ended up going to the Oregon Garden for a photo session with Lora.

Since we were gone for the night, I decided to make a nice lunch to hold us over. I made meatball subs and a green salad. They were very yummy.

Lamar likes his subs on the messy side with lots of sauce and toppings. I sauteed some mushrooms and onions, topped this with my homemade meatballs and then it all got covered with sauce and Parmesan.

This week is almost over. I really need to go and get some fresh produce, bread and milk! It is so tempting to just go, but I am trying really hard to stick with this budget. I have never really thought much about what we really spend on food. I always just go to the store when I feel like it. This has definitely been a learning experience for myself and our family. Lamar is amazed that I have stuck with it.

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