Monday, August 25, 2008

A Little Mermaid and BBQ Fun

Nora Beth found this towel in the upstairs bathroom today. I had forgotten all about it. She was so excited that she had to take a bath just so she could wear the towel!

We went to a BBQ at a friends house tonight. Of course, Nora Beth was not hungry when the food was in front of her, but as soon as the cake came out, she was STARVING! Her piece of cake was gone quickly.
The girls had fun riding the tractor toys down the hill. Nora Beth was surprised when the tractor went so fast. Shianne of course loved the speed. Fortunately there were hay bails set out to cushion any "out of control" tractors.
Lamar had fun playing "Sling Ball." Of course his game got better (in his eyes only) as he finished his snow cone flavored with vodka! We must find us this game for our next BBQ (Slingball that is, we have the vodka LOL!)
We even got a picture of Lamar and I together. It was a fun evening, but we had to cut it short since we are leaving for our trip early in the morning.

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