Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Rainy Day Fun

I had grand plans of doing yard work today. This was quickly cancelled when I realized it was raining. Instead I worked inside on little projects. While I was busy, the girls decided to build a fort in Shianne's room. They were so proud of their creation.

I went to a class in Portland last night. I had planned for Lamar to feed himself and the girls leftover mojo pork with rice and some veggies. I set the rice cooker on delay so the rice would be perfect when he got home with the girls. When I left all looked well. I later found out that the rice cooker did not work and there was no rice cooked. What a bummer. Fortunately, Lamar figured something out and everyone ate. No idea what happened with the cooker, but it definitely does not work now. It does not really hurt my feelings, I did not really like this rice cooker anyways.

The class I took was on Whole Grains and Meal Planning. Most of the information was a repeat for me, but it was interesting to hear it presented in a new way. I also shared the info with the teacher that I created for the monthly food budget project I am doing. She was very excited to see it and it will be used as a reference for her business now. I did not realize how much attention this project would create.

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