Thursday, August 21, 2008

Food Budget, Day 15

Today was another uneventful day. We did some work around the house. I met with a pregnant mama (and yes, she did show up today, but 35 minutes late). Shianne picked out a new book at the library to read this weekend while we are driving.

The fridge is really beginning to look empty. Not much in there. I am going to refrain from going to the grocery store since we are leaving on a small getaway on Sunday. I decided to make Lentil Enchiladas with Roasted Corn Salsa. I had a recipe, but did not have all the ingredients, so I improvised. Lamar grumbled when I told him what was for dinner, but he cleaned his plate and went back for seconds. It was surprisingly simple to make and incredibly budget friendly and healthy. We had some watermelon for desert.

I was feeling rather over-stimulated tonight. Everyone is now in bed and I am enjoying a glass of red wine, watching a movie (it is embarrassing how long the Netflix hang around before I actually have a chance to watch them) and catching up on e-mails.

1 comment:

  1. Glad your mama showed up. That's pretty frustrating!

    The lentil enchiladas look really good. What a great idea!

    Our Netflix often hang around quite a long time, and then we cancel our subscription, then we renew it -- it's a pretty regular cycle for us.

    Enjoy your getaway!

