Friday, August 29, 2008

Under the Big Top!

Tonight I took Nora Beth, Shianne and her friend Holly to see the Ringling Bros., Barnum & Bailey Circus. I had never been to a real large production circus before, so I was just as excited as the girls. We arrived just in time for the pre-show. The girls were able to go down to the center ring and meet some of the performers, see some acts close up and try on some costumes. They were surprised on how heavy the costumes were with all the sequins.
We were all amazed by the strength and flexibility of the performers. These two guys were able to bend in ways that I did not think was possible for the human body!
Nora Beth was amazed by the show. Her eyes were as big as possible. She never complained through the three hour production, even though it was WAY past her bedtime. She was very excited about her "Big Hat" that came with the cotton candy. She wore it through the whole show. When we arrived home, she insisted on having the hat in her bed with her.

Tomorrow is going to be a busy day. I have to meet with my adoption mama. There is a very strong chance that her baby will be arriving tomorrow. Shianne has orientation at her new school. I also need to find a way to get the house clean and carpets shampooed since Lamar's mother is arriving on Saturday morning for a visit. Tomorrow is one of those days that I need a clone of myself!

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